A Glimpse Into My Life...

1. I once fell through a garage roof with my best friend Terri Hammill! It belonged to a crabby neighbor lady and we climbed up there just because we could. Sadly to say...we ran away without owning up that we did it and the poor woman may have had to park her car in the street that day. 

2. My favorite book in the Bible is Song of Songs...Jesus is a hopeful romantic! 

3. My dad calls me "Boop". No one else is allowed. 

4. I love orphans! I don't love that they are orphans, but my heart breaks for them to know that they are wanted and not cast aside. If I had a huge house, I would love to fill it will orphans and make them my full time job! 

5. I thoroughly enjoy studying people. I'm always wanting to know what goes on inside people's heads and can get frustrated at times that I don't have free access! 

6. I once held a yellow albino burmese python around my neck and cried. I was in college, student teaching kindgergartners who were braver than I was. 

7. I'm dangerous when I ride my bike. I've hit geese, a turtle, a deer, a golf cart and at least 3 snakes. If you see me at the State Park, move to the other side of the path. 

8. In 4th grade, I was a really mean little girl. I kicked all of the boys in the shins until they cried for mercy. I had them all under my reign and rule...everyday, during snack time they had to bring me a snack on their scheduled day or I'd kick them at recess. I returned back to normal in 5th grade. 

9. One of my heart's dreams is to travel to Ireland and Italy. 

10. I feel passionate for people to know how God feels about them! He loves you...He wants you...He delights in showing you mercy (Micah 7:18)...and He finds you absolutely beautiful (Song of Songs 4:9)! He is the one place where you will find significance. 

11. I want to be an amazing cook someday...and yet, today's not that day. 

12. I can't handle it when my bathroom is dirty and get bugged when I don't have time to stop and clean it...ewww! 

13. I can't handle watching blood and gore in movies because it's always shocking to me that there's that much evil and mutilation in the world. 

14. When I sleep at night, I can't have anything on my feet and my covers have to be perfectly straight. It has happened that I'll get up in the middle of the night and remake my bed so that everything is in its proper place! 

15. I hate selfishness...in me and in others! Its so much more fun to serve other people and help them win. 

16. I think gift cards are the greatest gifts to recieve! It's validation that everyone who knows me approves and supports my love for buying things. However, I hate to give gift cards to people because I enjoy giving gifts with meaning and thought. 

17. In light of #16, God is breaking my addiction to materialism. 

18. I'm addicted to wearing new clothes. 

19. In light of #18, God is breaking my addiction to materialism. 

20. I love the word 'finger'. It sounds really funny in my head...along with the word 'bootie' and 'loot'. 

21. My family has a generational curse of heart disease and obesity. I want it to end with my generation. 

22. I once got bit by a rattlesnake on my tennis shoe. It was at the State Park. Snakes and I do not get along. 

23. I love reading and studying. I think the Bible is the most fascinating book ever filled with secrets and treasures if I will only spend my life searching them out. 

24. I had a traumatic experience as a child combining my older sister, a vacuum cleaner and my hair. You put it all together. 

25. I'm so very thankful that I get to work with my heroes every day who challenge me to learn more and be more like Christ. 

26. My first name means "holy one or separate one". I like that! My middle name means "follower of Dionysius'. I don't like that! My two names are a contradiction. 

27.  I have been on staff at Redeemer Fellowship Church since June 1st, 2003. I serve there as the worship leader. I have a messy office and my keyboard's name is Rolanda. She makes pretty sounds. 

28.  There was once a book called "The Five Love Languages." I think only one is accurate...Time. The other 4 submit to time because it take time to express any love language. 

29.  I am hoping that when there is finally a new heaven and a new earth and I will have my new resurrected body that starbursts and lifesaver gummies will be one of the 5 food groups. 

30.  I am married to Michael Collins, God's perfect answer to my desire for a husband! We have 3 beautiful girls - Mckaylee, Eliana & Evelyn. These people keep my world turning and exciting!  

31.  My best friend, Terri, and I used to work at an insurance company together. We drove everyone crazy. Finally, I think, our boss reached her limit and let us both go due to "cutbacks." I think she just couldn't handle the giggling. Work is serious. Don't smile. :)

32. I like coffee with my creamer.

33. My dad doesn't believe man ever stood on the moon. He is convinced it's a conspiracy that involves the Russians. I think this is funny. 


  1. Hello dear Friends:

    We would like to offer you a free book for your daily study and meditation about the future prophesies of the world, economy crisis, the planet ecological disaster, how and why the increasing of earthquakes, hurricanes, tsunamis and typhoons around the world and the end of humanity.

    Hercolubus or Red Planet written by V. M. Rabolu is a book which speaks about the most imminent events to come. In this small book, the author tackles serious topics of actuality that are happening nowadays like the atomic tests in the ocean and the fatal consequences causing the unbalance changes of the climate around the world. He describes the controversial question of the existence of conscientious beings in other planets of the universe. Likewise, he confirms the existence of an enormous planet, six times bigger than Jupiter, which is approaching our planet in an alarming way. He describes the consequences for us.

    V.M. Rabolu (1926-2000) was born in Tolima (Colombia). In 1952, he found the true knowledge by means of many years of practicing what he teaches in this book. He managed to develop his extraordinary capacities that transformed him into a spiritual guide of international renown.

    In 1998, he wrote "Hercolubus or Red Planet" based in his direct and conscientious experience. V.M. Rabolu describes the terrible events that will happen in a short term. He teaches the way to obtain a deep transformation of the human being. Nowadays, the statements in his book have been recognized by a large number of readers around the world who are getting many benefits from his teachings.

    V.M. Rabolu is one of those few souls with awakened Conscience, and his teachings have become indispensable in these times when materialism and the lack of moral values have transformed our society into a madness and chaos full of wars, alcohol, drugs, sexual abuse, misery, painting a very dark future for new generations.

    Hercolubus or the Red Planet is written above all with a great dose of sensibility and love for humanity. The assertions contained in the book will draw the attention of society as the events unfold in the near future.

    From the table of contents:

    Hercolubus or Red Planet

    Nuclear Tests in the ocean and the ecological disasters

    Elimination of the Psychological Defects or Egos

    Astral Unfolding and its techniques

    The mystery of life in other planets

    The Book synthesizes our work with three factors: The elimination of the psychological defects, with which every person can achieve scientific chastity and the love for humanity and our planet.

    V.M. Rabolu’s message is clear and conclusive: "Human beings must increase their level of conscience to overcome the forthcoming worldwide calamities."

    If you like to receive a copy, free of charge and shipment, you can ask for it: https://www.hercolubusplanet.com


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