Everybody Wants to Go to heaven...

"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and the of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age." ~Matthew 28:19-20

The word "disciple" means "learner or student." It's the root word for "discipline" which means "training, instruction, correction." To discipline my children is to train them in the right way they should go, to correct their wrong behavior to become right behavior. Within discipline, or being a disciple is the belief that perfection hasn't been reached. Practice is needed. Correction is needed. Encouragement and rebuke is needed in order for the goal to be achieved. 

When Jesus gave His disciples the mandate to make MORE disciples, the goal was for them to re-present Him so that they, and the people who followed, would become like Him. Christlikeness. To become like Jesus means that my way becomes molded into His way. Anything in the heart of a Jesus-follower that does not align with the way of Jesus is what requires discipline - further training, further correction and rebuke. Isaiah the prophet talks about this when he said: 

"We all like sheep have gone astray; each of us has turned to HIS OWN WAY, but the Lord has laid on Him (Jesus) the sin of us all."  ~Isaiah 53:6

If you've ever turned to your own way, you're in good company! Because we all have! 

God has a way for everything. God has an order and His order is right and truth. There are not many doors that lead to heaven, nor many gates. There is one. To follow Jesus is to be molded to His way. 

So, what happens to our way? Our way dies so that His way may take root and live within us.

  This truth has become so convoluted in our culture that celebrates and shoves the "anything goes" lifestyle constantly in our faces. It's an evil agenda of self-centeredness and selfishness all under the guise of self-care and self-empowerment. Because I feel it or identify with it, that must mean more to God than my obedience. Even though He specifically told us, "Do NOT be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind."  Do not be conformed...be transformed. What you think, feel or want is the not same WAY Jesus is heading and what I see increasingly around me is both "Jesus"-followers and non-believers working harder & more diligently at attempting to conform God's way, His Word, to their feelings instead of being transformed by renewal.  

God's purpose for delivering the Hebrew people out from the evil grip of Egyptian slavery was not for them to feel nice things while continuing with the same mindset of slavery and bondage.  He had the promised land in mind for them in order to create and establish a priesthood...a nation that stood out among the many as unique and attractive. A city on a hill. A refuge. 

"Now if you will obey me and keep my covenant, you will be my own special treasure from among all the peoples on earth; for all the earth belongs to Me. And you will be My kingdom of priests, my holy nations. This is the message you must give to the people of Israel."    ~Exodus 19:5-6

They were to be a beacon of forgiveness, freedom, and righteousness for all other nations. They weren't just delivered from something. That was just the beginning. They were delivered FOR something. It's a picture of repentance and forgiveness...life doesn't stop at recognition or remorse over our sin. Life begins anew at repentance. Forgiveness is FROM sin and FOR righteousness. It is to look away from MY way and to look ahead to what is coming, where we're going with God, HIS way.

More and more I'm not understanding why talking about sin and repentance is viewed as a threatening thing. Why do we struggle so much as individuals and culturally at admitting that our way is not right? That when left to ourselves we will ultimately find our destruction? We're all okay with discipleship as long as at it stays at the surface level of God loves me, God accepts me, God is kind...etc. But the moment it goes a degree deeper where that love, acceptance and kindness requires something, demands something in return the masks come off, faces become red and snarled and accusations of judgment and rejection come out. 

To be discipled is to be corrected. 

God's Kingdom is not an "anything goes" or "because I feel it, God must agree" kingdom. It's not.  God's Word cannot be conformed to yours or my liking. It's His way or the highway and His way is the only way that leads to life. The truth is we don't get to define what goodness is, what truth is, what righteousness is. 

I've learned many times over that when I am struggling, feeling depressed, a lack of favor or joy in my life then something is amiss or out of line. These are moments when His rod and His staff comfort me. I need His discipline - His correction and His rebuke. My way must remain crucified with Christ and I need to turn my efforts from conducting CPR on my way to using all of my energy to cling to His. "Everybody wants to go to heaven, but nobody wants to die." Not me. Slay me, Lord Jesus....that I may live. 


  1. Amen! Unless a seed fall to the ground and die…


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