
Showing posts from April, 2023

Worship - Ritual or Relationship?

This year I have been participating in Bible Study Fellowship's bible study called, "The Kingdom Divided." BSF has had a huge impact in my life and given me a great love for God's Word...HIGHLY RECOMMEND IT! I've been leading a group in my home in hope to help bring this great ministry to my home town in Monroe, Michigan.  I can't even begin to write about the impact this study has had. It has focused on the Old Testament stories of the divided kingdom of Israel & Judah, and all of the prophets who were sent with God's loving, desperate call and pursuit for His people to repent from idolatry/sin and to return to His heart and desire for them. I have seen great sin, great rebellion, great stubbornness, great stupidity in humanity in this study...I've seen my own heart in need still of God's healing and purifying work in my heart. I've seen our nation in this study and cultural downward spiral. Most importantly, I've seen the incredible

The Kingship of Jesus...

Is Jesus the King of your life?  If not, why? How would your life change, do you think, if He were your King? If so, how do you know? What does that mean to  We celebrated Palm Sunday yesterday. This is quite possibly my favorite Sunday out of the year! I'm always excited & ready for Holy Week to come...what would I be without the resurrection? Dead. In my sin. In absolute bondage to my self-centered ego and ridiculous silly logic as the trajectory of my life. I would be filled with selfish purpose, greed and self-preservation. I would live in fear of others and their opinions. I would live obsessed with status and getting ahead. Sin. Dead in my Sin.  My living began not 43 years ago on December 7th, 1978 when my mom labored for my earthly entrance. That was the beginning of the hope of my living. As we all were, I was born with a sin nature and so if what I believe is true, I was born in death. That's a happy thought right there!  My actual living began 7 year