Are You a Tool or a Priest?
I find purpose in many of the roles my life holds but sometimes those roles also make me a feel a loss of identity. This week has felt like that. There are so many demands on my life as a wife, a mother, a friend, someone working in church ministry. I love all of these roles. I'm passionate about them. And yet I also at times find myself wondering if all of those roles were removed, would I still hold value if I wasn't producing or accomplishing? I know when my head goes down this rabbit trail of lies that I need more time in the face of the Father to be reminded of my truest identity. I need a reminder of the importance of worship.
It's too easy to think of ourselves as tools either for other people, or also in God's Kingdom. I've even prayed this at times: Lord, use me as a tool to ________________. But today I was reading a book (posted below) that really challenged my heart and my mindset. The author asked these questions: "Do you want to be used by your spouse or children? Do you want to be used by your friends? Do you want to be used by your church? Would you like to be used by your government?" The answer to these questions is NO WAY! When you use a person, you treat them like a tool, not a person.
The author went on to write, "I have good news for you. God doesn't want to use you. He wants to know you. He wants to be known by you. God used Pharoah; He knew Moses. God used Saul, but He knew David. God used Judas, but He knew Jesus. God didn't create you so He could use you. He created you so He could know you." Oh man, did I need this reminder today!
Religion teaches us to view ourselves as tools (I am because I do). If we perform well, we are pleasing to God. But if we perform poorly, we can be easily tossed aside or thrown away. But worship is the opposite of religion. The heart of worship says, "Jesus proved I am of value to God. I serve Him because He is also of value to me." Religion teaches us that our function determines our worth. Worship teaches us that our identity determines our worth and our function (I do because I am). God determines our identity...completely. And He spends much time in Scripture laying out who we are.
John 1:12 Child of God
John 15:15 Friend of God
Romans 8:37 More than Conquerors
Colossians 3:12 Chosen and loved
Philippians 3:20 Citizens of heaven
Galatians 3:13 Redeemed
Ephesians 1:18 Saints
1 Peter 2:9 A Holy Nation
Revelation 1:6 A Kingdom of Priests
A Kingdom of Israelite history the priests' mission was to bring people into the presence of God through their worship. At first, the entire nation of Israel was desired by God to be a holy people, a holy nation of priests. But because of idolatry, God gave the priesthood to the Levite tribe instead. Our original intent was to be known by God and to bring others in His presence by our worship.
I'm writing to Moms now, as we approach Mother's Day. Can we take a step back and release the role of having to turn out the world's most perfect kids? Can we take a step forward and remember who God has declared that we are to Him before we are anything else to our families? Jesus said in His final words to His disciples that if you love Him, you'll obey Him. Or, by Holly's translation, if you love Him, you will worship Him. In 1 John, John tells us that we love only because Jesus first loves us. We cannot serve others well if we put that service first before being loved and known by God. I'm preaching to myself, now! If we live today as dearly loved children, then we will love Jesus well. Then we will worship/obey Him. And then our worship & obedience will set the atmosphere for our homes, our marriages, our kids and our responsibilities. Its only when I mess this order up that I behave like a tool rather than a priest. Your identity is not a religious tool to be are a worshiping priest who loves and serves well. So, let's stay right there in that spot!
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