From Rick Pino...

I love this guy! 

The first place the word, "worship" is mentioned in the Bible in Genesis 22:5,9 where Abraham is going up the mountain to offer up Isaac. 

 "He said to his servants, Stay here with the donkey while I and the boy go over there. We will WORSHIP and then we will come back to you...When they reached the place God had told him about, Abraham built an altar there and arranged the wood on it. He bound his son Isaac and laid him on the altar, on top of the wood." 

 You will notice here that there are no mentions of keyboards, guitars drums or singers. Instead, there is an altar and the treasure of someone's heart about to be laid on it. 

What do we learn from this? Many things. But as far as worship is concerned, we learn that worship is less about music and singing and more about altars and sacrifice. Reminding ourselves of these things helps us move away from the easy tendency to see worship as something that happens in a half hour slot at the beginning of a service. 

Holy Spirit searches our hearts, and so cultivating a daily space for this to happen is vital to every believer's walk - wherever and whenever that is. When worship becomes a time slot or a performance, it also becomes a chore. 

Worship should be creative, spontaneous, planned still, noisy, messy and from the heart. Like we see in the story of Abraham and Isaac, the heart behind true worship should be costly. If your worship doesn't cost you anything, then your worship has no worth.


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